The trail pass must be affixed by its own adhesive in a highly visible location on the forward half of the ATV or UTV.
An ATV or UTV operated on frozen waters needs to display a valid Wisconsin public use ATV/UTV registration or a nonresident ATV/UTV trail pass.The pass expires on March 31 of each year.A nonresident trail pass is required to operate an ATV or UTV not currently registered in Wisconsin on an ATV or UTV trail.Therefore, youth can only operate youth machines.Nonresident annual trail passes may be ordered online on your personal electronic device or over the counter at any sales location.

Disabled operators are allowed to use prosthetic devices or modified or adaptive equipment to achieve rider fit for Class I or IV ATVs.Ĭlass II (sand rail, trucks, SUVs) – Must be at least 15 years old with “driving privileges” (license or learners permit)Ĭlass III (off-road motorcycle) – Must be at least 7 years old.Ĭlass IV (side by side) – Operators under age of 16 must meet manufactures age recommendation.Turning of Handlebars: The operator must be able to turn the handlebars from lock to lock while maintaining grip on the handlebars and maintaining throttle and brake control.Grip Reach: While sitting upright on the ATV with hands on the handlebars and not leaning forward, there must be a distinct angle between the upper arm and the forearm.Leg Length: When sitting and with feet on the pegs, the knees must be bent at least 45 degrees.Brake Reach: With hands placed in the normal operating position and fingers straight out, the first joint (from the tip) of the middle finger must extend beyond the brake lever.Youth must meet all the following minimum physical size requirements (Rider Fit) in relationship to the vehicle: Youths operating Class I (quad) ATVs that are too big for them are at serious risk of injury or death. MSF DirtBike School Class I (quad, 3-wheelers) – There is no minimum age, but youth must meet rider fit requirements. The ASI E-Course requirement does not pertain to other hands-on training providers, only ASI. In addition to taking an Oregon approved online course (such as the student must also successfully complete ASI’s ATV E-Course prior to taking an ASI hands-on training course. OSU/4-H – Oregon ATV Safety Youth Rider Endorsement Program ĪTV Safety Institute (ASI) Please note new ATV Safety Institute (ASI) hands-on training course prerequisite. Class I (quad) and Class IV (side by side).Oregon Motorcycle Riders Association (OMRA) Class I (quad) and Class III (off-road motorcycle).Note that course availability diminishes greatly during the late fall and winter months. We do our best provide opportunities throughout the state. The average travel time to a hands-on course location is typically 1 to 2 hours. Visit our Hands-on Course Locator for available courses in your area.

Note: Hands-on Evaluation courses assess the skills of an operator who feels they have experience while Hands-on Training courses assume no previous experience or skill. After the youth has gained some riding experience and is familiar with the vehicle, it’s now time to find a hands-on course. Once the youth has completed an approved online course, the youth will be given an “Instructional Permit” containing an 11-digit ATV Safety Education Card number.